About Hannah Xue


Behavioral Science research -> Product development
Researcher, developer

Symbiote is an ongoing research turned startup project which I have been working on throughout the past 1.5 years. We aim to connect drivers with their cars to build a safer and more trustworthy future of autonomous driving.

Read about Symbiote on Cornell Tech press: Trusting Autonomous Cars: How Much Is Too Much?

This is a collaboration work with Zaid Haque and Noshin Nisa. Read more about the project and latest updates on the website


App UI/UX design

This is a collaborative work with Melina Diaconis. In this project we explored how people involve with tech in art spaces.

Illuminate is designed to inspire people to explore and make art piece collections inside a museum. We are inspired by the MoMA booklets, which help tourists to fully immerse in the art by encouraging them to use personal emotion and imagination.

InVision Demo

Freelance dev+design work

Web design and development
Developer, designer

I designed and made websites for professors and labs in Cornell Tech as a part-time job.

Prof Mor Naaman's homepagemorDesigns I made before converging to the final decision:mor

Website for Social Technology Lab (made with Huai-Che Lu and Emily Sun)stechI am also the web master for CSCW'18, for which I designed and developed the website.

Strata: Scalable 2D Barcode

Mobile/HCI Research
Paper co-author, prototyper (OpenCV)

Strata is a novel scalable 2D barcode design. In this project we try to explore the way people interact with barcodes. When scanning Strata barcode, instead of the all-or-nothing behavior of traditional QR Code, user could now get different layers of information based on their distance between the scanning device and the barcode.

This project is a collaborative work with MSRA and Yale University and is accepted to ACM MobiCom 2014.

Read Paper

T-shirt Design

Visual design
Illustrator, designer

During my undergrad years at Peking University, I have designed a couple T-shirts for thousands of students, and was really lucky to see them being worn everywhere in the campus.

2014 Graduation T-shirt for the school of EECS: If you try to compile the code in the drawing, it turns out like this. This little "Bye PKU and Hello World" surprise I made has moved thousands of graduates and the T-shirt once went really popular on social networks.Screenshot1

2013 Graduation T-shirt for the school of EECS: Over 300 students wore this for their graduation photo.Screenshot1

A colored version of the front pattern:Screenshot1

T-shirt for Shanghainese at Peking University: As a proud Shanghai local, I tried to embed Huangpu River and the gorgeous skyline of Shanghai into the letters.Screenshot1

Old homepage from 2005

(Old fashioned) Web development
Individual project (HTML, CSS, ASP)

I made my first homepage flylinda.com from scratch when I was 12. That little site provided free tutorials for web designers and charged services as well so that I could afford the server rent myself. Flylinda.com once reached a daily visit of 2000. Sadly I failed to keep the domain and most of the source code. Only thing I have now is a couple screenshots (and precious memory).Screenshot1Screenshot1

Hannah Xue / 薛易清

Hannah is a(n):